
Support the Dice Tower - 2023

Created by Tom Vasel

Support the Dice Tower's 2023 season! The Dice Tower is a show about reviewing, playing, and talking about games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Top 100, voting, pictures, and more!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 01:33:54 PM

So we've reached the 300K stretch goal, and that's amazing!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

As the Kickstarter goes on, and we get pictures from the publishers, we'll be adding them to the promo packs.  We've added quite a few in the last few days, so go check them out!

As we finalize the promos for Obsession, we've come down to two different cards - and we're voting on which one makes the pack!  Check out our Facebook group here: and vote for the one you like more!

The RPG stretch goal is next on the horizon!

And the Top 100 Games of all time has begun!  2023 is officially started!

Let's see where we finish up!

Onward and Upward!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 02:34:04 AM

I am always blown away at the support we get, and we want to thank you all so much.  I'm amazed at the number of people who've picked the $60 no reward pledge!

Well, actually, it's not "NO reward."  We're going to give you another year of content, and we're going to work to make it better than the last!

So we've hit the stretch goal of Eric Summerer's Top 100 List, so that's exciting!  And we're closing in on the monthly game show!  That will be a game show YOU can participate in, and we'll pull from our experience of running game shows at conventions, our old game shows on Board Game Breakfast, and more.

Some have worried that our upcoming stretch goal for 6 RPG games will mean we're delving into reviewing RPGs, etc.  That's not the case!  I just thought it would be a (hopefully) entertaining way for us to show the gang going through a story.  We don't have any set plans for these, but we'll try to make them as fun to watch as we can.

Some have worried that our upcoming stretch goal for 6 RPG games will mean we're delving into reviewing RPGs, etc.  That's not the case!  I just thought it would be a (hopefully) entertaining way for us to show the gang going through a story.  We don't have any set plans for these, but we'll try to make them as fun to watch as we can.

We are halfway through the campaign, and I look forward to seeing it through.  We'll have a live mini-marathon of sorts to close it out next Friday, and I hope to see you there!  Thanks again!

Huzzah! And stretch goals....
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 08:33:08 AM

Folks, I can't tell you what a sigh of relief everyone at the Dice Tower has when our project funds each year.    We never take funding for granted, and we really appreciate your support so very much.

I don't believe in "fake" goals, so I always adjust our funding goal each year.  It's the minimum we need to go throughout the next coming year.  And now we have it, and that's a huge comfort to everyone here.  And I know that I can speak on behalf of the Dice Tower when I tell you we WILL deliver on this and get you the best board game content we know how over the upcoming year.

That being said, we want to do more, and the stretch goals allow that.  So let's talk about the first stretch goal - Discord.

I try to stay up with the times (and fail at it, according to my children), and I know that Discord is a way that many people communicate with each other.  I want to have a Dice Tower Discord because I know that you all - the best fans and community in the world - will make this the best Discord possible.  It will take time to set up and moderate, and we're sort of testing it right now with the Dice Tower Cruise Discord,  but we want to make another place for our community to get together, work with one antoher - and have special places for our conventions, other conventions, board game live plays, and more!  Once we reach this goal, we'll take some time setting up the Dice Tower Discord in a family-friendly way that we hope becomes just as positive and useful as the Dice Tower Facebook groups.

In the meantime, THANKS so very much and you have made our weekend amazing!

Almost there! Also, new dice towers!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 11:57:40 AM

Will we fund today?   It's possible, and it would be a great way to go into the weekend!  If you're on the fence, today's the day!

Either way, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for all your support of our project!

As the project goes on, keep an eye on those promo packs, as we are adding stuff to them occasionally.

We've also added some new Dice Tower dice towers!  They look really cool!  There are now four different dice towers to pick from below.

We have all sorts of ideas we're putting together for new content this year, but in the meantime, lots of cool stuff going up this weekend - check out our channel!

Again, thanks so much!

Frosthaven, Multiple Promo Packs, and more!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 06:17:58 AM

First of all, thanks!  We are very honored that so many people enjoy our show and we are thrilled to have had a great first day of the Kickstarter!  We haven't funded yet, but we're on the way!

Secondly, many people have asked if they can get two or three of the promo packs, so we've added those options to the side.  You'll be able to pick which promo packs you want in the pledge manager.

Thirdly, Isaac Childress, designer of Frosthaven, is going to design a custom scenario for us that you will be able to get as a .pdf later this year!  He's done this for us with Gloomhaven in years gone by,  and they are always fun, interesting scenarios.  We have a pledge level for just the scenario, or you can add it to any other pledge.

To that end, many people have asked about how to add together multiple pledges.  To do so is simple.  Let's say you want Promo Pack A ($60) and also want the Frosthaven scenario ($10).  Simply pledge for one of them and put $70 as the total amount pledged.    Then, a month or so after the campaign is over, we'll send a pledge manager within which you'll be able to pick the items you want.

Well, it's back to work here - we have content to make.  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to do so again this year!