
Support the Dice Tower - 2023

Created by Tom Vasel

Support the Dice Tower's 2023 season! The Dice Tower is a show about reviewing, playing, and talking about games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dice Tower Kickstarter 2024 is live!
7 months ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 05:51:49 AM

Thanks again for supporting the Dice Tower Kickstarter 2023!  Our new project is live!

We have a fun space theme this year, and we are enjoying the top 100 lists that are going up right now!  So if you want to see us produce another content filled year, check it out!

Fulfillment update, and pictures of the promos!
8 months ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 01:11:41 PM

At this point, all US backers should have their physical rewards.  If you haven't gotten them, please email [email protected] so that we can get it fixed, thanks!

International, for many reasons, is taking longer.  We had to get them to the fulfillment center and sorted, but they should start shipping by the end of this week.  Thanks so much for your patience!

Kenny has taken pictures of the Dice Tower promos, to help you identify them.  Thanks, Kenny!  Here they are!

Thanks as always!

And thank to Isaac for getting us the Frosthaven scenario.  Enjoy it and have fun!

Shipping has begun!
9 months ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 12:05:01 PM

It's always my goal to get everything out early, and we seemed to miss that over the past few years.  But huzzah and hooray, we are a month early! (everyone thank Camilla!)

So everything is in the process of being shipped.  Some of you have gotten your stuff, others will get it in the next few weeks.  

We hand packed everything in studio, so you shouldn't be missing any promos from the packs (we double checked!).  If you haven't gotten your stuff yet, be patient and let us know if you haven't gotten it

- by December if you are in the USA.

- by January if you are overseas.

We put a lot of money into packing, shipping, etc., and we've done a lot of work to get these out, and I hope you enjoy them.  Please let the publishers also know that you enjoy their promos, so that they consider doing it again in future years!

In other Kickstarter-related news...

- The RPG sessions have started, every other Thursday!  We are having fun doing them and hope you enjoy them.

- Christmas cards will be going out next week, so keep an eye out for them! (they also have a clue for next year's theme!)

- Shoutouts are happening on our regularly scheduled live shows, so join us to hear us thank you.




Ready to ship! Addresses locking Sunday!
10 months ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 09:07:58 AM

I'm so excited!  We said that we would ship everything in December, but happily, we are ready to do it now!

All the promos are in, the playmats are printed, the Dice Towers are cut.

So now shipping begins.  Please, please, PLEASE update your address immediately if it has changed because we can't afford to ship things twice.  This Sunday, we are closing address changes, so stop what you are doing now, and change it!  As a reminder, to update your address, go to

Otherwise, it's a waiting game.  Even though we have everything, it will take a few weeks to print shipping labels and start the process of getting everything out.  We are shipping worldwide, but likely US backers will be getting their stuff first, if only because it's closer!

On another note, Isaac is still working on the Frosthaven scenario, so that isn't ready yet, we will send it out electronically when it is.

Thanks again for backing the Dice Tower, we are excited about our content and we are ready to finish the year strong!  If you have any specific questions about your pledge, please email [email protected].   

See you on the channe! 

- Tom

Fulfillment status - things are moving along!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 12:04:39 PM

There isn't much to update on right now, so this will be quick so you can get back to your gaming!

Promo Packs

If you've backed us before, you know receiving the promos from the publishers is the biggest piece in fulfilling on time.  We are ahead of where we were this time last year, and are very excited to have all the promos in hand for Pack Archer! Unfortunately, we do have 7 promos still undelivered between the other promo packs. I have been in contact with all these publishers though and they are working to get them to us as soon as possible so we can move on to the next step. Once we have a complete pack, we will begin assembling in office. In last year's fulfillment we noticed a significant drop in errors and missing cards when we assembled these ourselves in office. So we will be doing this again this year and already have the bags and labels ready to begin! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we will be posting pictures of the "fun" we will be having getting these packs ready for you :)

Custom Video and Shoutouts

If you ordered a custom video or video shoutout and did not provide us with the details when you completed the pledge manager, please reach out to me at [email protected] as we will begin recording those shortly.


We are still looking good for a December fulfillment! 

If you did not complete the pledge manager, please reach out to me at [email protected] as it is now closed and we are not accepting any more late pledges. You can still update your address if needed on BackerKit. We will let you know when addresses are locked and can no longer accept changes.

Summer Spectacular

Join us next week for lots of live streams on our Summer Spectacular! Camilla, Chris, Joey, Roy, and Wendy wrap up their Top 100 Games of All Time with a LIVE 10-1! Tom, Zee, and Mike will also have a Top 10 airing, as well as a lot of great games being played. 

That's all for this update. We will check back in when we have more to report. Until then, we will be working on getting these goodies in your hands! 
